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Insurance 101 for Homeowners

If you are looking for home insurance for the first time, it can get very confusing. Like all other kinds of insurance, home insurance requirements will vary from one home to another, and even from one state to another. When it comes to home insurance, every policy will look different. Determining how to get exactly what you need at the price you can afford can feel a little overwhelming. Here we will cover the basics of home insurance 101, to ensure you know all that you need to know before you shop for home insurance. You will find that like most other types of insurance, you can start with a basic home insurance plan and build from there what you need to protect your home. For most single family homeowners, you will find that a very appropriate home insurance policy will be called the HO-3 policy. In some states, such as Texas, this policy may be known as the HO-B policy, but it serves the same purpose. This type of policy is the standard policy that most homeowners like to use because it covers all of "the basics". What you may not know is that this type of insurance policy does not cover things such as nuclear accidents, earthquake, war, or flooding. A lot of American homeowners do not feel they need to worry about protecting their homes in the events of these types of disasters, but if you live in an area that is flood prone for example, you may want to consider deeper coverage. Deeper coverage will include up to 100% of the replacement cost of your home, and though that may not seem important now, it definitely will if a natural disaster strikes your home. Many victims and survivors of the Hurricane Katrina tragedy had not adequately insured their homes for flood damaging, and they lost everything that they had spent their whole lives building. Guarantees on your home insurance policies will also help you in the event of loss, theft, or damage to your home. In the event of a major disaster where you have to rebuild your home from scratch, a traditional guaranteed replacement will replace the cost of your home from scratch, even if it costs more than it did when you purchased the home. Replacement costs may add onto your premiums, but if you live in a disaster prone area, they could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars down the road. You can also get lower home insurance quotes by limiting your liability coverage. Liability coverage is coverage that protects you in the event of accidents on your property. If someone slips or falls, or gets bitten by your dog even, you could find yourself with court costs and medical expenses that outweigh the value of your home. Liability coverage will protect you against these costs, but will affect your premiums as well. By limiting your liability coverage, you ensure you are covered in the event of an accident, but aren't going to have to pay exorbitantly for it in the meantime. When you are looking for home insurance quotes, you want to be sure that you protect yourself and your home for every possible scenario. At the same time, you want to be sure to get the best price. Before you settle on a home insurance policy, be sure to shop around and do some comparison pricing on home insurance quotes before you make a final decision on the policy that will protect your most prized possession.
READ MORE - Insurance 101 for Homeowners

Homeowners insurance does not cover damage to land

What happens when the gulf oil comes ashore?
There is a sad fact of life when it comes to dealing with insurance companies. You should read all the small print before you buy a policy and, if you are surprised at how the insurer decides to interpret the policy when you make a claim, you must be ready with an attorney. Telling it as it is: insurance companies like to make a profit. If they have to pay out too many big claims, their profit starts getting small. That gives them an incentive to keep finding new ways to avoid paying out. When Hurricane Katrina hit the Mississippi Gulf Coast, home owners discovered their policies covered storm damage, but limited or excluded claims arising from flooding. The cause of much of the damage was a storm surge where the wind drove the water to higher than usual levels. The issue for the courts was whether the resulting damage was covered as storm damage or excluded as flood damage. The practical reality was that, for the people whose homes were damaged, the precise cause and effect mattered little. They had lost their homes. For the insurance companies, the courts were deciding claims worth billions of dollars. Needless to say, the courts at state and federal levels gave often wildly different interpretations and produced very different results. That is what happens when vast numbers of people line up to sue multiple defendants. Some win. Some lose.
One of the more interesting outcomes of the litigation was the decision of some insurance companies to stop selling policies in the Gulf states. They gave as their reason the increasingly uncertain legal environment. The companies that still write home insurance coverage now have different language. Policyholders hope the law will be on their side. The attorneys acting the the insurance industry remain confident they now have their clients protected.
Over the last few weeks, we have been watching a new slow-motion threat emerge in the Gulf of Mexico. The Deepwater Horizon rig operated by BP exploded and, with the pipe broken on the sea bed, crude oil is now pumping out into the water. Oil has already started to come ashore in Louisiana. Residents in the other states are taking out their policies to see what the small print says. So let's say the average home owner with a property on the coast has a standard homeowners insurance policy, federal flood insurance, hurricane and windstorm coverage, sinkhole coverage, and so on. What will happen when the oil comes? Well, there will be terms allowing claims in the event of an explosion. Unfortunately, the destruction of the rig happened too far away for it to count directly. A court would have to find the explosion was the main cause of the oil coming onshore. Winds and tides play their part in this process. So then we come to the terms allowing claims if the property is damaged by "pollutants". Crude oil is a natural substance and not a pollutant as defined by insurers. But it is possible that, if it did damage the structure of your property, you would have a claim. Except, most properties are built on the land, not on stilts over the sea. Very few homeowners insurance policies cover damage to the land on which the house stands. The result? Win or lose, a lot of attorneys are going to get rich suing BP.

READ MORE - Homeowners insurance does not cover damage to land

Auto insurance tips on drunk driving

It's really hard to avoid family meetings and friend parties during the festive seasons or on special occasions. When holidays come, it's a real chance to meet all the family members and friends that you haven't seen for a long time. And we all know, that there's no way you can avoid drinking alcohol during such meetings. The festive spirit is indivisible with some drinking and it's really hard to find a person that refuses this long-time tradition.
However, you should bear in mind that drunk driving is not acceptable even during the holiday season. No matter if it's Christmas Eve or Thanksgiving Day, you will be punished severely if you get caught while driving drunk. Your license will be suspended and you are likely to spend some time in custody. There's an old tip for situations like this, however many people seem to forget about it. If you're going to a family or friend meeting that will definitely involve wine, brandy, beer or any other alcoholic beverage, make sure you have a person who will drive you back and will be sober during the meeting. You can call a taxi if no one is willing to stay dry. Yes, even if you have car insurance coverage this doesn't mean that you have the right to get drunk and drive.
Insurance coverage is there to pay for the damage or injuries caused by accidents. It involves a monthly premium in return to the necessary financial support in case of an accident, but it doesn't mean that it will cover the situations when you make traffic mistakes on purpose or due to intoxication. And that's exactly the case of drunk driving.
Insurance companies are well-aware of the risks involved in drunk driving and know that the holiday season is statistically the most intense period of time in terms of insurance claims. Drivers who end up in accidents while driving intoxicated risk having their policies voided or their premiums raised substantially. If you do not want to risk your insurance coverage, especially if you have cheap auto insurance here are some tips from the insurance companies to follow:
- Avoid drinking too much. Stay within your limits to be able to control yourself when the meeting is over.
- Real friends do not let their drunken friends take the wheel. If you see that your friend had more than enough, call a taxi or make sure someone sober drives him or her home.
- If your meeting or party is far away from your home and you will need to drive a lot to get there, it's better to rent a room in a hotel or motel nearby and stay there for the night instead of getting behind the wheel intoxicated.
- Auto insurance providers take the holiday season statistics in regard and usually raise the premiums to be paid if someone wants to take advantage of additional coverage namely during this period of time. It's definitely no the season to be looking for cheap auto insurance policies.
READ MORE - Auto insurance tips on drunk driving

Ambien for different types of insomnia

In most cases when people talk about insomnia, they are discussing the effects and consequences of not getting enough sleep, rather than have a focus on the condition itself. There's a lot to be discussed when it comes to the actual causes of insomnia, it's duration and the characteristic of the sleep disorder in question. But most interestingly, most people don't even realize that there are different types of insomnia that require different approaches each. Here are the four types of insomnia with a short description to make it easier for you to determine the actual problem you have faced:
Type 1: Transient Insomnia
Transient insomnia is definitely the most common type of sleep disorder, with 58% of all adults having experience of it. It is defined by the lack of good sleep over a period of time up to one week. There are many different factors that may be the cause for transient insomnia, including jet lack, stress, exhaustion or abundance of physical activity. And while this type of insomnia is definitely quite uncomfortable, it can be relieved by quite simple measures such as relaxation techniques or herbal preparations. The key to success here is using these methods as soon as possible, before the sleep disorder becomes more severe.
Type 2: Short-Term Insomnia
When insomnia lasts between one to three weeks it is automatically classified as short term. When there's such duration of sleeping problems, the symptoms should be a cause for concern, because they usually sustain themselves and a hard to get rid of by using simple relaxation techniques or mild herbal medications. Short-term insomnia is quite often caused by stress and anxiety disorders. The best way to treat this type of insomnia is to address the underlying conditions first, rather than try to fight the consequences.
Type 3: Chronic Insomnia
The most unpleasant and durable is chronic insomnia, which is characterized by symptoms lasting for more than three weeks. Periods of insomnia can last for months and sometimes even years with chronic insomnia. There may be certain sleep disorder patterns that repeat over time, with periods of good sleep in between. With this type of insomnia the side-effects are most severe and therefore it requires serious medical assistance as soon as the patient suspects that his or her sleeping problems are becoming chronic and impossible to control. This is when drugs like Ambien and other powerful prescription medications are employed.

Type 4: Mental Illness Insomnia
This is a special type of insomnia that is closely connected with different mental disorders. With mental illnesses it is quite common that the brain chemical imbalance causes the illness itself and insomnia as a side effect. The most common mental disorders that are known to be connected with insomnia are depression, schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder. Using drugs like Ambien CR in such cases is not very safe, because the lack of balance in the brain chemistry can affect the drug's potential and lead to undesired effects. Only a doctor and mental illness specialist can say whether it's safe to buy Ambien or not in each particular case. Most commonly, the mental problem should be addressed first and insomnia is likely to wear of as soon as there are any improvements in the overall condition of the patient.

READ MORE - Ambien for different types of insomnia

Keep you cheap auto insurance by avoiding accidents

No distractions, please. I'm driving!
There are many ways in which you can describe some of Big Government's departments and their campaigns. Feeling polite and well-balanced, you can say some are worth every cent. Then you get others where you cannot help feeling a little insulted. Like this site: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Hey, come on, guys. We are all drivers here and we know how to drive safely. Except, perhaps, we "kinda" forget some basic rules when we get behind the wheel and back out of the driveway. So just how bad is it?
Well, the police are supposed to report the circumstances of all the traffic accidents they attend. This does not always produce a reliable record but, in 2008, the police recorded driver distraction as the main cause in almost 6,000 deaths (that's about 15% of all the fatal accidents in the US) and more than 500,000 injuries. So just what is distraction for these purposes. The list is what you would expect:
  • using a cell phone, PDA, etc. to chat or text;
  • reading (usually a map but some people are more adventurous);
  • talking to passengers;
  • using the navigation system;
  • watching a video;
  • changing the station on the radio, or the CD in the player or fiddling with your MP3 player;
  • eating and drinking; or
  • personal grooming from combing your hair to applying make-up.
What it comes down to is taking your eyes off the road, or taking your hands off the wheel, or thinking about something else. That makes texting the worst offender because it involves all three levels of distraction. Perhaps not surprisingly, the worst group of offenders are drivers aged 20 or less, i.e. they are young and inexperienced and more likely to get into an accident than any other group of drivers on the road.
The distraction website is run by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. It hopes both to educate drivers and to work with motor manufacturers to produce safer vehicles to drive. Except that neither camp seem inclined to cooperate. The culture of the younger members of society, i.e. up to 29 years old, is now addicted to 24/7 communication technology. They have to keep in touch with their friends through texting, tweets and other messaging systems. Pandering to this, manufacturers are building ever more electronic systems into vehicles as information services and entertainment. Fifty years ago, you only had to worry about changing channel on the radio. Now there can be a display of buttons and levers that would challenge someone with the skills of the Borg.
Any traffic accident is like a lead weight attached to the premium for your auto insurance policy. That means keeping your driving record clean. With more states now banning the use of technology in the car, being seen with any handheld device in one hand while holding the wheel with the other is a potential ticket or citation. To keep your cheap car insurance, turn off your devices to avoid being distracted or fined if a police officer sees you. If you are getting into an argument with someone in the vehicle, pull over, stop and finish it before driving on. If you are running late, do not eat or do other catch-up jobs while trying to drive. If you keep yourself safe, you avoid accidents and keep your auto insurance affordable.
READ MORE - Keep you cheap auto insurance by avoiding accidents

Blackjack tournaments: online vs real world

The popularity of blackjack tournaments is constantly increasing and it's no big surprise that many online casinos offer more tournaments with larger prizes on a regular basis. And by "regular basis" we mean the possibility to take part in an online tournament virtually at any time of the day. However, you have to understand that there are substantial differences between online and land based tournaments, and knowing these differences is very important for any blackjack player
A large part of players get involved into tournaments because of the adrenaline rash and the intensity of playing with other participants head to head. Those who regularly take part in such tournaments say that it's a real pleasure to sit with other players at the same table, watching them make their bets, following their expressions and feeling the real excitement of a challenge that is just not the same when you play one on one with a dealer. Tournaments represent a real challenge and test of skills for any player, especially when it comes to the elimination rounds. The way the people interact and get involved in the drama is something that can be as valuable as the prize itself. No wonder that there are so many blackjack tournament games even on the TV these days.
Of course, these feelings are a bit hard to experience when it comes to playing blackjack online. Web-based tournaments just can't bring the excitement of a real life tournament because it's just you and your computer, no one else. Of course, you can play a tournament with players all over the world instantly by joining any big online casino tournament but that can be hardly compared to seeing a real living person next to you. Still, it's a matter of personal choice and preference, because some players are in for the excitement and emotions, while others are in just for the playing experience and the prize.
What makes online blackjack a really interesting feature is that it lets players all over the world put their skills to the test and win real money in a tournament against other players. There's no need to enroll in special events or even leave your home - everything you need to play a game is within your reach and it's only you and your skills that really matter. For those, who don't excited by the thrill of a real tournament or those who aren't just confident in their abilities this is probably the best way to enjoy real professional poker.
One can say that it all depends on how introvert or extrovert a person is. If you're seeking attention and love seeing another person near you get nervous when you hit blackjack, then you will definitely find online tournaments boring and lacking the real excitement of the game. But if you jut want to win and don't care about who's sitting next to you and don't want to be distracted from your strategy then playing online seems like a perfect choice for you. Of course, the best way is to try both things and define what works best for you.
READ MORE - Blackjack tournaments: online vs real world

Top blackjack myths unveiled

A large number of players who prefer online casinos to brick-and-mortar gambling houses often lose their money because of believing in various myths and rumors that spread around the web. If you don't want to make part of that number you have to be cautious about the most common myths blackjack players tell about when playing online.
Myth #1: Card counting is not required
Those of you who have spent a bit of time at the table know that card counting is the most basic winning strategy, and the myth tells that you don't need it to win at the game.
Fact #1:
It's almost impossible to beat the dealer if you don't know what cards are remaining in the deck. That's why players use card counting in order to raise the odds of winning against the house. If you have read about a strategy that doesn't tell you to count cards then it's definitely not a strategy that will help you win in the long run. Card counting isn't as complicated as some players think it is, there are ways you can easily count cards and raise your chances of winning, and that's definitely what you want in the end, right?
Myth #2: In order to win you need only the basic strategy
You don't need any complicated strategies in order to win, you just need to learn the basic strategy that is available even at online casino sites and you will win for sure.
Fact #2:
Most players who use only the basic strategy lose nearly all of the time. That's because in most cases the basic strategy is given directly at the online casino's site and there's no sense for the casino to post such things other than increasing their in-house odds and fooling players. There are numerous books on blackjack winning strategies that are based around the very same basic strategy and not that many players can say that these tips have helped them. In order to win you will need something more effective in raising your odds at online blackjack than the basic strategy.
Myth #3: Get as close to 21 as you can in order to win
This is probably the most common myth among those who have only started to play blackjack and are new to the game. This is a popular misconception because blackjack is also sometimes called as the game of 21. And assuming that's the main goal of the game, new players believe that it's crucial to get close to 21.
Fact #3:
The main goal of the game is not getting close to 21. In order to win at blackjack you have to beat the dealer's hand, have a larger count with the cards you have than the house has. No matter if it will be 13 against 9, you will still win if it's your count that's larger. Many rookies make the common mistake and try to get as close to 21, taking more cards and busting their chances by going beyond 21. Leave the number behind and focus on the dealer's hands - that will give you much greater chances of winning.
READ MORE - Top blackjack myths unveiled

Play online slots and watch your winnings roll in

Looking round the US right now is a bit like Alice in Wonderland (but not the big-earning version by Tim Burton which looks to beat the one billion mark in takings worldwide). There's a lot of unreality around and it all goes back to one of these pesky idioms, "Trying to get blood from a stone". Let's take it step by step. In the world of boxing, you introduce the fighters according to their corners. So, in the blue corner, you have the lefty socialist liberals and they all want to keep the entitlement spending without increasing taxes. While in the red corner, you have all those Tea Party members who want to do away with government and all its spending on little things like defense and the infrastructure that delivers electricity, drinking water and so on. Oh, and they don't want to raise taxes either. In fact, abolishing big government means no IRS. So, whoever you ask, they all agree it's impossible to raise taxes ("starve the beast" as the GOP puts it) but, without more money coming from somewhere, it will be impossible to balance the budget. Does balancing the budget matter? Well, ask Greece whether they should balance their budget. Once the riots die down, you may have an answer. In the meantime, the world's lenders think Greece will default on its debts. In ten years time, without action from the US government (big or small), the same fear may affect the US power to borrow.
So, right now, states cannot raise taxes and face paying out on entitlements. The majority are licensing more gambling. The levy is not counted as a tax and is politically acceptable. Except, there's too much gambling already. No matter how many casinos or other sites you licence, there's still the same number of gamblers. Hence, the reference to "blood from stone". It's going to be very difficult for states to get any real increase in revenue, particularly when you add in the effect of online gambling. With rising gas prices and family budgets still under pressure because of the recession, it's cheaper and more convenient to stay home to gamble.
So, let's pick a few states and see what plans are in the pipeline. Go to Boston and you find yourself in a war zone with New Hampshire, Connecticut and Rhode Island all pushing their own gambling agendas. Wherever you look, there are plans for new resort-casinos and thousands of slot machines at race tracks and dedicated slots parlors. With all these states in competition to attract the same hard-core gamblers, they all risk ending up with little improvement to their revenue streams. More interestingly, you have to doubt the commercial judgement of the corporations still prepared to consider building new casinos. Just as the states have looming deficits to fill, many of the existing casinos have fallen on hard times as online slots have grown more popular. Indeed, if the GOP and its Tea Party element are against big government, they should oppose the use of gambling to prop up state finances. Surely, the libertarian stays home to play slots, keeps all the winnings and pays no taxes, direct or indirect.
READ MORE - Play online slots and watch your winnings roll in

Casino games and certificates of fairness

If you walk into a real-world casino in the US, you can be reasonably sure the games are fair. Each state runs oversight of the casinos' operations and, so far as it can, ensures we all have a reasonable chance of winning. Put another way, real-world casinos have a claim to be transparent. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the online gambling world. Most of the virtual casinos are based in countries interested only in taking the licence fees. This produces a real lack of transparency so that, even when there are legitimate complaints made and the regulators "investigate", there's little to explain what the investigators actually do and how aggressively they enforce control over the casinos in their countries. It's all about killing the goose laying the golden jackpots. If the regulators are an effective police force, the casinos will move their virtual operations elsewhere and the state treasury loses out.
Which brings us to the certificates issued by Technical Systems Testing (TST). This is an organization making its living by compliance testing games and it works closely with the regulators in Canada, the UK, Australia and other countries with developed gambling industries. Most recently, it has been certifying the random number generators used online. All the fair and honest sites based in highly regulated countries like the UK carry certificates such as those issued by TST. So how reliable are the TST certificates?
As TST honestly states on its own site, it's not a policing body. It works in the same way as the auditing profession. It looks at what it is given and gives its opinion. Because of the nondisclosure agreements it signs, it can never discuss how or why some certificates are (or are not) issued. You have to take on trust the assertion that TST is an independent body and gives an unbiased opinion. This is rather like the defense raised by the rating agencies in the financial meltdown. They certified the investments issued by the banks as AAA only to see them worth nothing a few months later. When an organization depends on the fee income from a single source, there's an inevitable conflict of interest. If you do not certify, you get no fee income.
But, the real question comes about what happens to the software TST tests and certifies fair. As it rightly says, it's not a policing body and it's not a regulator. It has no power to check whether the software it verified is the software in play a few weeks later. For any certificate to be worth the pixels used to display it on a screen, there should be monthly testing on site. With Bodog and other casino games operators using TST certificates in their press releases, the burden of proof is now on TST to prove its certificates have real value. As it stands, there would seem to be every chance that TST could end up in the same unhappy position as the auditors who declared Enron accounts a fair representation of its trading position. Without regular, routine and random testing on site, there would seem no guarantee the certificates show fair and honest casino games in play.
READ MORE - Casino games and certificates of fairness

Tips on how to get the right home insurance policy

Insurance coverage for the house is quite often one of the most important investments that you will undertake after actually buying your home. Most insurance policies will cover the home itself, your belongings contained in it and liability due to accidents on your property. And when you start looking for the right policy it may be a bit difficult at first, taking into account the large diversity in policies and the large number of providers that offer their products. There are different types of coverage each policy carries to a different extent, and in each case the amounts of it have to be adequate in order to meet your exact needs. Yes, it's a bit overwhelming at first, that's why you would want to spend some time learning the basics before doing any comparison shopping.
Types of coverage
Each policy carries three types of insurance coverage that when combined provide a wide spectrum of coverage against many types of insurance situations your home may be subjected to. These thee coverage types include property damage, liability coverage, and home business.
  • Property damage - this type of coverage deals with any type of damage to your home and your belongings contained within the house due to circumstances like fire, storm, hail, flood, lightning, theft, vandalism, terrorist attack, etc. Make sue to analyze your policy thoroughly in order to learn all situations and all the items which will be covered or not.
  • Liability coverage - this type of coverage will pay for the medical costs and trauma a third party has sustained while being on your property. You and your family members are not included. This coverage is applied to guests, workers, neighbors, visitors, etc.
  • Home business - this type of coverage will be particularly useful if you run a small business at your home. However not all home insurance policies have the business part with their coverage, so make sure to learn about that first, if you are really interested in this type of coverage.
Some helpful tips to take note of
When you start looking for home insurance the following tips will definitely be of a help to you in case you want to find a good and cheap policy:
  • Shop around to get the best home insurance quotes. You can use numerous online sites, ask your agent or contact the companies directly. The more options you have the better. Don't forget to ask your friends about any particular company they have already purchased insurance from and check the financial credibility of each provider you are interested in.
  • Purchase home coverage from the same provider you get your auto insurance from. That way you can receive a substantial discount with most insurance providers.
  • Pull up your deductible. As with all types of insurance, the higher is your deductible the lower premiums you'll have to pay. But make sure that you have the required amount of money to pay out of pocket if something happens to your home.
  • Make everything possible to improve the security of your home. The best way to do this is to install video systems, security features such as fire and smoke detectors, alarm, security locks, and other features you can use to protect your house against different perils. Document all the changes and inform your insurance provider about them. You will likely receive a good discount for that.
  • Always make sure that your credit rating is good before purchasing a new policy (applies to all types of insurance).
READ MORE - Tips on how to get the right home insurance policy

Cheap auto insurance tips for sports car owners

Having a fast and powerful sports car is something that many people dream of, loving the aggressive sound of the engine and the speed potential such vehicles can deliver. There are many speed lovers out there, wishing they had a car to satisfy their thirst for speed in a street or track race, pushing the gas pedal into the floor and having the head blown back by the power of their car. And taking into account that sports cars are sometimes quite inexpensive compared to other types of vehicles, many drivers choose to follow their passion and buy a roaring beast on wheels.
But after they do purchase the beast of their dreams and start burning gas and tires, the question of insurance coverage comes into mind that's where the thrill starts to fade away. Because with most sports cars no matter how inexpensive they may be compared to other vehicles, your insurance rates will be considerably higher, making the car quite expensive in overall when you add up the overheads of owning such a car. And that's when sports car owners start looking for cheaper policies for their monster wheels.
Why sports cars are more expensive to insure? Simply because they are faster, more powerful and usually less safe than other car types. Most insurance companies have high numbers of insurance claims related to sports cars, and the damage and injuries delivered in accidents where a sports car is involved are much higher. That's why nearly all insurance providers have higher auto insurance rates for sports car owners.
Still, it doesn't mean that it's impossible to find cheap auto insurance for your car. First thing, spend some time on comparison shopping and try getting as much quotes from different providers working in your area as possible. Most car owners make the mistake of getting the first auto insurance policy they are offered with and that's definitely not the smartest thing to do. There are many online services that allow you to compare auto insurance quotes from different carriers on the very same page, and it doesn't take much time at all. You will be pleasantly surprised to see that some companies will offer much better rates than others for the same car, allowing you to get adequate coverage on your sports ride for a reasonable price.
Another important aspect of insuring your sports car is the number of people whom to include in the policy. The lower is the number, the cheaper will it be to insure your vehicle, and the best options here would be having only your name written in it.
It also matters where you live. Areas with high crime rates usually have much higher insurance costs than calmer localities. Sports cars tend to be the most preferred target for car thefts and insurance companies are taking this fact in consideration when calculating your rates. So if you happen to live in such an area, make sure to install additional safety features and anti-theft devices in order to opt for special safety discounts that would help you weight out the negative costs aspects of living in a high crime area.
READ MORE - Cheap auto insurance tips for sports car owners

Auto insurance rates - reduction strategy

If you own a car for quite some time, you probably know how much money it takes to maintain it in a good condition. With the past years the payments on insurance have increased so much that people no longer want to have it. Unbelievable, isn't it? If you are not a newcomer to driving, you probably have always invested big sums in your cars. A good driver knows that the better conditions he will provide, the better result with be. But what about those who simply cannot afford to pay too much? Well, they have to start searching for other options. Frankly speaking, in the world of today it is not difficult to find an offer that will give you certain financial advantages. So if you are a new motorist or if you are planning to review your insurance plan, listen up. We are about to tell you how to save money on you car insurance. You may remember it from years ago but believe us, prices don't wait around. They change significantly. But you can always find a possibility to make the payment comfortable for yourself.

If you want it the simplest way of all, you can limit the mileage that is used on your automobile every year. Don't think company that is about to deal with you won't know about this. They will. They have all the details on the amount of miles used by your car gathered in a file. This is necessary for them to have in order to be able to calculate the premiums in the correct way. What does this mean? In another words, the more miles your car has used the better chance of an accident it gives. When you reduce the chances of car accidents, your automobile premiums are automatically reduced as well.

There is another option to reduce your payments a bit. For example, you don't have to park your vehicle on the street every time you need to leave it. You can you're your garage instead. If the automobile is not used, it will feel better in your house than somewhere on the open street. Maybe you will think this is not a good advice as garage costs more money than parking space, but at least garage is your own property and it is the safest mode of keeping a car.

Very few people actually realize how monthly payments differ from annual premium payment. If you are seeking for a way to reduce your payments before ordering auto indemnity, do not jump into conclusions before a good research. You can try to get auto insurance quotes first. With the help of those you will be able to find cheap auto insurance faster. You can simply exclude all the offers that do not attract you. The quotes will also come with auto insurance rates that are the major reason for quote inquiries. These car insurance rates will definitely give you a wide range of choice. You will be free to choose anything you want according to your preferences and financial abilities. Now we hope you've learned the ways to save money on your insurance. It is better to be prepared for such an important step as the renewal of the plan or a sing up for the insurance. So we hope you cope well with your task.

READ MORE - Auto insurance rates - reduction strategy

Health insurance quotes explained

There's a strange contradiction about insurance. It's an annoying burden every month when the time to pay the premium comes around but, if the worst should happen, it's a wonderful thing to have had that insurance policy in place. With the family budgets really tight as the recession shows little sign of going away, the monthly bank statement shows the insurance instalments disappearing. You look at your own health. That's great. You have never had a day of serious illness in your life. It's the same for your partner. You cannot avoid feeling a little resentful. All those dollars, every month. And then there's an accident or one of you does unexpectedly fall ill. It's then you discover whether that plan you have been paying into is actually worth the money.
The market for health plans is divided in a slightly complicated way. It's really to ensure the insurance companies make a profit as the cost of treatment keeps on rising way faster than inflation. So it reflects a balancing act between allowing the patients some say, and denying them any real control, over access to treatment. The plan most popular with the insurance industry is Managed Care. This requires you to get the insurer's permission before you attempt to access treatment. The first contact doctor must be from an approved list, and he or she must refer you on for further diagnostic tests or treatment. Failure to get this referral usually means the insurer will refuse to pay. The second option is a Fee For Service Plan where you pay a lump sum at the beginning of each year, followed by monthly instalments. This covers you for the medical services listed in your policy. Basic plans only cover consults with your doctor and a simple set of tests. More expensive plans have a better range of coverage but there are usually co-payments.
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) are networks of healthcare professions. If you stay within the network, your medical needs are covered although, in most plans, co-payments will be required. The next step up is a Point of Service Plan (POS). This is a variation on the HMO and allows a networked doctor to refer you to an outside expert. Finally, there are Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) which offer more choice than an HMO or POS both in the doctors you can access and the treatments you can have, e.g. usually include preventative medicine.
Because the service offered by this site is free, you can get as many health insurance quotes as you like for each of the main types of plan. This gives you more information on which to make your decision. But it's fair to say the decision is not an easy one unless you read the detail of each plan with some care. With all the health insurance quotes available, you are often forced to balance coverage against cost, i.e. you buy the amount of coverage you can afford. This makes the choices something of a gamble. Do you pick emergency care in the event of an accident or focus on a list of the most common diseases or disorders? Do you include long-term care against the possibility you might be more permanently disabled by whatever happens? There is no right or wrong answer to these questions. In the end, it all comes down to what you can afford and what helps you to sleep best at night.
READ MORE - Health insurance quotes explained

Always get multiple car insurance quotes

The insurance companies will always reward you for driving less. If you rarely put wheels on the road, the chances of a claim are small and all your premium will be "profit to the insurer. So how does this work? In theory, it could not be more simple. The insurance company looks at who you are, when you drive and where you drive in deciding how much of a risk you represent. If you live 50 miles from your work and have a daily commute along a busy Interstate, the chances of an accident are high. But if you live on a bus route to work and only use your vehicle for odd journeys at off-peak times, the chances of an accident are small. When you answer the questionnaire, you will see questions covering these possibilities. Remember, if you get caught out in dishonest answers, the insurer will cancel your policy and leave you without any coverage.
The first question is where you live. Although some states like California have outlawed setting rates according to your zip code, the majority of companies focus on your home address. If there's a high accident or theft rate among people living in your area, you will all pay a higher premium. The only choice, if you can afford it, is to live some place where the crime and accidents rates are lower. You look for the middle ground between the worst inner city crime hot spot and a house on the prairie where you never see another vehicle from one day's end to the next. All the discounts favor drivers who only drive off-peak during the day, and restrict their annual mileage. No more late night and early morning driving when the majority of other drivers may be tired or affected by alcohol and/or drugs. This raises the question of monitoring. It's easy to answer the questionnaire and claim the maximum discounts. But the trend among insurers is to ask people to drop their vehicle in for a regular inspection of the recorded mileage. The maximum discounts are given to the drivers who agree to devices being installed which collect all the data on driving and transmit it to the insurers. These devices have a GPS element that records where you drive, the time and, in some cases, some measurement of the quality of your driving, e.g. how often you brake. The reward for accepting this invasion of your privacy can be discounts of up to 25% on top of the usual discounts. Obviously, it's not a good idea to use your own vehicle to rob a bank since the insurance company will know you were there.
This set of discounts is somewhat frustrating. In the larger cities with well-developed public transport, it's usually not too much trouble to get where you want on time without using your own vehicle. Assuming your vehicle is safely in a garage to reduce the risk of theft, you should break even or better, i.e. what you save on the insurance pays for your use of buses and trains. But the most of the US has poor public transport, so there's little choice. Remember the car insurance quotes are not the final word. Call the company, explain your circumstances and discuss how you might qualify for discounts. In discussion, you often discover options not included in the website. So, treat the car insurance quotes as the opening offer and start negotiating. Investing a little time often saves you money.
READ MORE - Always get multiple car insurance quotes

Auto insurance quotes for green vehicles

Owning a green vehicle automatically makes it viable for you to have green car insurance as well. Because all cars are legally required to carry the minimum amount of insurance coverage imposed by each state individually, green cars also need to carry these types of coverage regardless of what their emission levels are. However, with green car insurance it goes a bit beyond the typical coverage against certain types of damage. The environment is getting worse and the need in green vehicles is constantly rising, so does the need in green car insurance. When you purchase green car insurance policy a part of the money you pay as a premium is transferred to certain funds that are aimed at minimizing the effects of bad environment and global warming. You can't say that about typical insurance coverage for non-environmental vehicles, can you?
The number of people who are buying green vehicles these days is constantly rising, regardless of the fact that green cars are still too expensive in comparison with traditional vehicles. With such trends, more insurance providers offer green auto insurance solutions as the market of green vehicles is constantly expanding. However, in order to stimulate the purchase of green vehicles, insurance providers offer lower rates on green cars than on typical autos. It seems that even big insurance companies are recognizing the importance of stimulating green car sales and their initiatives can be regarded as a support of this trend. For some, it's cheaper to buy an expensive green car and pay lower premiums than buy an old cheap auto and pay thousands of dollars each year.
Still, when green car insurance was only introduced and the number of green cars was low the auto insurance quotes green drivers had to deal with were much higher than today. But as the time passed and more green cars started roaming the roads the rates went down and they are still dropping gradually. Today, there are about 40,000 green cars on the road and the number is increasing yearly. More and more people are realizing the fact that the carbon footprint has to be reduced and green cars are an effective solution to the problem.
There are numerous benefits of having a green car. Not only do you get lower auto insurance rates, you also help the environment and save some money on the gas. Of course, it's not a big deal when comparing a single car to all the vehicles and plants that are fueling the global warming process. However, when people start acting individually over time the trend brings positive changes. The same applies to green vehicles.
Today there are only a few companies offering auto insurance quotes for green vehicles, however the numbers are steadily growing. Only a few years ago there wasn't a single company providing green auto insurance but today there are already several big companies that either specialize in this new market or provide additional insurance services in addition to the traditional car insurance coverage. Today, having a green vehicle can still be regarded as a bit extravagant, but the same was the situation when the very first automobiles started roaming the streets filled with horses. The progress doesn't stop here.
READ MORE - Auto insurance quotes for green vehicles

Car insurance quotes for commercial vehicles

Having car insurance is mandatory in the vast majority of states, regardless whether it's a personal or commercial auto you are driving. There are numerous enterprises that have their own vehicles used for commercial purposes as well as for personal use of their senior staff. Smaller home based businesses are also using commercial vehicles to a great extent and this segment of the market is currently on the rise.
Regardless of the size of the enterprise, it is mandatory to carry the necessary amount of auto insurance coverage in order to assure that any damages the commercial auto has caused will be paid for no matter what. Of course, liability coverage is a must and the policy should carry the state specified minimum amount of bodily injury and property damage liability as indicated in minimum state requirements. Of course, one can assume that if the vehicle is owned by the enterprise it's the enterprise that will pay for the damage due to the accident. However, not all companies can assume such financial responsibility, especially if speaking about smaller home based businesses, and there's no other way to gain the necessary financial support other than purchasing commercial auto insurance.
Quite many business owners purchase the necessary liability coverage above minimum limits and choose to include other types of coverage such as comprehensive and collision as well. Some business owners even include underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage to their commercial policies too, taking the fact that there are so many drivers with no insurance coverage on their cars out there on the road.
When looking for car insurance quotes on commercial autos insurance companies usually employ the same mechanisms of calculation as for individual car insurance. The most weight in the final rates will have such factors as the amount and type of coverage to be included into the policy, the location of the business (traffic, theft rates and repair costs), as well as the actual driving record of the employee (or employees) who will be driving the commercial vehicle.
Having commercial auto insurance is of course very beneficial for the business owner. Having a vehicle stolen or damaged in a car accident can cause a serious drop in income for a period of time, especially if it's a small business. Having your commercial auto covered by car insurance will assure that the repair will take a short time and you won't have to pay for restoring the auto in order to get it back on track.
Still, as with individual insurance, it always pays to shop around and get as many car insurance quotes for your commercial vehicles as you can. There are many companies that offer substantial discounts for numerous vehicles under a single commercial insurance policy. Try getting the best offer for the lowest amount of money, however keep in mind that you shouldn't sacrifice the needed type and amount of coverage otherwise there's no real point in insuring your commercial vehicles.
READ MORE - Car insurance quotes for commercial vehicles

Car insurance quotes higher because of fraud

Two completely different forces have combined to produce a perfect storm of fraud in the market for insuring all classes of vehicle. There always has been a section of the criminal community that specialized in all types of crime affecting vehicles. This starts with the simple use of force to steal or jack a vehicle, through slightly more complicated dishonesty to separate people from their vehicles, and into complex frauds designed to extract large sums of money from insurance companies. Local counties and states all have their problems in managing budgets for the police and, although violent crime gets a reasonable level of funding, fraud and "white collar crime" is a low priority. When the victims are large corporations, they are expected to look after themselves. The FBI's policy does bend more towards funding investigations of fraud, but the results are inconsistent across the US as a whole. Some units are active and have a good prosecution success rate. Others do not try too hard.
Now look at the effects of the recession. Suddenly, black holes have opened in the local and state budgets. It is not only the investigation of crime that has been cut back. Some states are even releasing convicted prisoners because it is too expensive to keep them locked up. With rising unemployment and honest people coming under financial pressure, the temptation to try a little fraud is growing stronger by the day. As more people find themselves unemployed for six months, the results in suspected crimes and frauds is not hard to find.
The first and most obvious tactic is that your vehicle is stolen. When it disappears from outside or near your home address, this is raises a question mark. Then there are the inflated claims. When you have an accident, the body shop agrees to add in a "little extra" work and you split the cash. But the real problems come when people start to think bigger. Those who are safety conscious damage two vehicles somewhere quiet and then stage a collision at an intersection. The more aggressive have real accidents with faked injuries. The FBI has recently rolled up a ring of medical clinics and attorneys who were prepared to push insurance claims with fake or exaggerated personal injuries. Life is tough for doctors and lawyers. They too can be tempted.
Why should you care? Because except in the small percentage of cases that are investigated and the fraud discovered, insurance companies pay out. So when you get your next car insurance quotes, they will be higher because every state's level of fraud is rising fast. The days of cheap car insurance will be gone unless the budgets of the police, state investigators and the FBI are given new priorities. You are the victims of all this fraud through the higher premium rates. You deserve to be protected from this outburst of crime. Even though the budgets for investigation work are under pressure, the amounts being lost are hundred of millions. If the investigators could keep a percentage of any money they recover, this would pay for itself. Since that will not happen, we need everyone to complain to the insurance companies and their state Departments of Insurance. The insurers should routinely report every suspected case of fraud and not simply pay out.
READ MORE - Car insurance quotes higher because of fraud

Slots in New Hampshire are becoming a battleground

One of the more exciting features of the latest recession has been the collapse of tax revenue flowing into the coffers of the individual US states. Sales are down so there's less tax take there. Property values have crashed through the floor so, where tax is a percentage of valuation, the tax take has fallen - with so many properties foreclosed and families unemployed, payment of the tax has been difficult to enforce. People have been earning less and businesses have made less profit so, again, less income tax. Put everything together and many states are effectively bankrupt, their bonds reduced to junk status by the credit rating agencies. Yet there is no political will to really grasp the nettle of tax increases. If the electorate want the same level of services from the state, they have to pay for them. If they genuinely will not pay, they must be prepared to accept real cuts in the quality of the services. Perhaps this recession will finally break through the stubborn refusal to pay a larger percentage of income as tax. While we wait for this revolution, individual states are playing around the margins to save a few dollars here, and raise a few dollars there. Their theory is that federal government will not allow them to fail. Like AIG, many of the states are "too big". So bail-out money will save them from having to make the hard decisions.
This has not prevented some states from getting creative. In New Hampshire, Governor John Lynch has a new policy. To help bridge the gap between solvency and insolvency, he's proposing to legalize online gambling. The detail of the plan is to be announced soon, but it's already controversial. Ignoring the problems created by the federal law clamp-down on the transfer of funds for gambling purposes, the Governor has been caught in a classic flip-flop. Not so long ago, the lawmakers who represent the real-world casino interests proposed a bill to licence some 17,000 slots and table games. The recession was not yet in its full glory and the hole in the budget was not today's gaping chasm. The Governor decided to veto the bill.
He gave two reasons. The first a simple calculation that there were already a significant number of machines in the state and licensing more was unlikely to produce a real increase in revenue. It would only share out the same money among more machines. But it's the second reason that has landed him in trouble. He said the bill would lead to an increase in gambling. Whether he was concerned at the rising level of addiction, the risk of more young people being tempted into gambling or he had some moral objections is not clear. The bill died. The new proposal to legalize online gambling is likely to make gambling more accessible. If people have to travel to specific locations, their behavior can be more closely monitored and controlled. The age of players can be verified. Operators can stop someone when they have obviously lost too much. Allowing gambling from PCs, lap and palm top machines, and Blackberrys is opening the flood gates. Playing online slots, people can burn through a lot of money very quickly without anyone to stop them. The Governor can't have it both ways. If proliferating gambling is a bad thing, legalizing online gambling is a bad thing. While he decides how to answer, we can all have fun playing slots wherever we find them.
READ MORE - Slots in New Hampshire are becoming a battleground

Casino online games lose out to the real world

In many ways, the US has the best and the worst system of federal and state governments in the world. Arguably it has the qualities of being the best because, even though it's a two-horse race, there's enough of a difference between the political intentions of the successful candidates to make life interesting. But it's one of the worst because of the level of corruption in the lawmaking following elections. Money speaks loud behind the scenes with different lobbying groups pressuring the elected representatives to deliver on the promises they made to get the campaign funds. For these purposes, it makes no difference which party you look at. All the individuals at every level in the political system depend on "donations" to get elected. When it comes to the world of gambling, the politics get particularly complicated. For individual states, the revenue derived from the different forms of licensed gambling helps avoid complete financial meltdown. Yes, there's a recession, but this has only slowed the flow of money into gambling. Unlike other sources of tax revenue, the gamblers of America are helping balance budgets. But there are different interested parties. In one corner stand the real world casino operators who want the least possible regulation on their activities. Their group is not united because the casinos on Indian land have advantages and, some say, represent unfair competition. We should not forget the other sites who can get licences to run slots. In another corner stand the racing interests. They are long-standing political players and also want the maximum freedom to run their own betting operations with the least interference from states. This blurs into another group that runs betting operations on other sporting events. While a more distant group runs online casinos.
As an example of the conflict of interests, let's go to Massachusetts where there's a new bill in the state House to establish two new real world casinos. As always, the declared intention is to generate more revenue for the state. To maintain a monopoly for the land-based casino operations, the bill proposes to criminalize all online gambling. It will be an offense for any resident of Massachusetts to place or accept a wager placed by a telecommunication device, no matter where they may be located. You will realize, of course, this includes all telephone betting and would hit the racing and sports betting operations. Not surprisingly, this has stirred up an intense lobbying exercise.
Real world operations are preferred because they are easier to police and monitor when it comes to collecting the tax or levy. Once operations disappear down telephone lines or into the internet, they can be based anywhere. This seriously complicates the collection of any tax. States like to keep their worlds simple. They want the maximum revenue from licensed gambling with the lowest possible cost for collection. Just crossing state lines makes collection more difficult. If casino games are offered from outside US territory, tax cannot be collected. That's one of the reasons why the federal government clamped down on the use of credit cards and other easy payment methods. It forced more operations onshore where they could be taxed. Whether you agree with this approach to balancing the budgets is irrelevant. Casino games are seen as the easy way to raise money without upsetting the electorate. Imagine a world without gambling and hear the roar of anger if states announced an increase in sales tax.
READ MORE - Casino online games lose out to the real world

Small business insurance and E & O insurance

In a modern society, it is sad to have to protect yourself against litigation. You would always hope people would naturally become more forgiving of mistakes and accept modest compensation for the losses they have suffered. Sadly, the US is one of the most aggressively litigious societies in the world and, for a small business, even a small claim can be the difference between success and bankruptcy. It is not just the value of any award of damages. It is the costs payable to both your own attorney and the attorney on the other side if you lose the case. Although it is an extreme example of the problem, you may remember Pearson v. Chung in which a judge sued his dry cleaner for a lost pair of pants. The amount claimed? Only $54 million. The problem was the $100,000 cost of the defense. Fortunately, public fund-raising covered those costs with the Chung's attorney acting pro bono in the appeal hearings. Not every attorney will act without payment. The public does not often rally round to help a small business. That is why you should review your insurance portfolio.
In general terms, almost every business should carry property insurance, e.g. to cover fire damage, general liability to cover third party claims, a reasonable amount of workers' compensation in case your employees sue you, and Errors and Omissions to protect you against the kind of mistakes you make when following your standard business routines. Suppose, for example, you write down the wrong delivery address and ship the order to the wrong place. Or the software you lovingly craft for your client crashes his PC when uploaded. The number of possibilities are infinite which is why this type of insurance has real benefits. It is so difficult to predict all the different errors and omissions that might occur. But there is one thing of which you can be certain. The majority of your customers will sue. Even though some of these cases will be vexatious and frivolous, your own costs are covered. Fending off these suits keeps you in business and makes the premiums a good investment.
E & O insurance tends to be classed as for "professionals" and it is true that lawyers, doctors, accountants and others with professional status depend on this type of insurance in their day-to-day lives. No one can afford to lose a case affecting their reputation. But that is just as true of ordinary small businesses. Everyone depends on their good name to get and keep clients. But the amount you buy will depend on the scale of the risk. Small business insurance must be affordable. To keep it so, review the way your business deals with complaints. Often, a sympathetic ear and immediate action to make good, will defuse the anger and head off the litigation. You should also look at the way you market your goods or services. Avoid anything that looks like a guarantee or warranty. If a customer has false expectations about the quality of what you sell, this will add fuel to the fire. Finally, check all your business processes and operations to reduce the chances of making a mistake. That said, small business insurance can keep you in business long enough to become a big business. It all depends on giving good service and developing your business model to match your customers' needs and expectations.
READ MORE - Small business insurance and E & O insurance

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Download Film Toilet 105 Full Gratis

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Mirorr (repaired)
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Mp3 Dangdut Koplo OM New Pallapa Lagu Malaysia

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• Summary: The new puzzle action craze!! Totally original puzzle action game will have you playing for hour.
• Requirements:
Windows Mobile Pocket PC 6.1,6.5, WVGA resolution only
» ColorBoxWVGA Description
Developer: krenisis
Support Email:

Time to exp. true new innovation and fun. The awesome mix of puzzle and action has arised. Colorbox windows mobile game is a very addictive puzzle-action game.Tested on touchpro2 and xperia1x.WVGA resolution only .Not HD2 compatible.

How to play

1)you protect woo the yellow charactor on the bottum from blue and gray balls ,by destroying them tapping them with your stylus.
2)you have 2 types of power-ups
A)Red box=you tap it and it creates a beam that temporary destroy blue and gray balls.
B)Green glob= the green glob hits the floor then transforms to a green arrow that shoots up and destroys gray and blue balls.
3)Woo collects poits by collecting the yellow balls.

Watch it in action on youtube

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Simple Stopwatchv1.00

• Summary: A very simple stopwatch.

• Requirements:
Windows Mobile Pocket PC 5 , 6 , 6.1
» Simple Stopwatch Description
Developer: Ty Gatti
Support Email:
Web Site:

A very simple stopwatch.

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imgur Uploader v1.00

• Summary: Easily upload images to from Windows Mobile and share them on Twitter
• Requirements:
Windows Mobile 5+
.NET Compact Framework 3.5
Tested on VGA and WVGA, but it should work on all resolutions

» imgur Uploader Description
Developer: ViRGIL
Support Email:
Web Site:

  • Upload images to imgur
  • Twitter integration
  • Camera access
  • Clipboard access
This application allows you to upload a picture, existing or taken with the camera from within the application, to and shows the link for the original picture, small thumbnail and large thumbnail. The links can be shared with your twitter friends or copied to clipboard in order to use them later (email, sms). Known issue: the thumbnail displayed in the application aspect ratio isn't always the same as the original picture aspect ratio. I will try to fix that in future releases. Please leave your feedback in a comment. Thank you!

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Windows Media Center - Remote Control - 0.7 Betav0.70

• Summary: Control Windows Media Center using your Windows Mobile phone!
• Requirements:
-Windows Vista or 7 - editions with Windows Media Center
-VMC Controller
-Wifi, Bluetooth/USB activesync connection
-Windows Mobile 6.x Pro, (may work on older versions)
-480x800 (WVGA), 240x320 (QVGA) screen resolution
-.NETCFv3.5 installed on handset
» Windows Media Center - Description
Developer: Mike Debney
Web Site:

Because there seems to be no simple, functional and easy to use remote control for windows media center on windows mobile devices out there, I've decided to build my own. The software uses VMC Controller to connect to Windows Media Center, enabling basic control of the following functions, as well as displaying media info (see screenshots below):
-menu navigation
-play/pause, next/previous, skip/rewind
-volume control
-playback position seeking
-tv channel up/down
-entering text for searching through media lists

As its still in the beta stage, there will be bugs, so i need testers to trial it on their handsets, providing feedback and suggestions. This latest release adds automatic listing of PCs which are running Windows Media Center with VMC Controller installed, as well as better QVGA support. Support for media extenders and disabling sleep mode are still in development, and may be included in a future release

READ MORE - Windows Media Center - Remote Control - 0.7 Betav0.70

SpeedView for Google Android

SpeedView is an advanced GPS speedometer that uses the phone's built-in GPS system to show your current and top speed, direction and distance traveled. Successfully tested using T-Mobile G1, Samsung Galaxy, Motorola Droid and Nexus One, it's suitable for running, car driving, biking or hiking.

  • High accuracy, GPS-based speedometer that is more accurate than the one in your car.
  • Linear compass, Shows your direction of travel. The compass screen is coming soon!
  • Speed graph, Displays a graph chart covering the last several minutes.
  • HUD mode, Mirrors the numbers so you can place the phone under your car's windshield and see the speed reflected on it in the evening or night.
  • Speed warning, You can set the speed limit, so when you go over a visual alert and red highlighting will notify you.
  • Display units, Supports units such as miles, kilometers and nautical miles.
Please note that the accuracy depends on your GPS reception quality.

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• Summary: MXit is a FREE instant messaging application for your mobile phone and PCs.

• Requirements:
Windows Mobile 6 Standard
» MXit Description

MXit is a FREE instant messaging application for your mobile phone and PCs. This means that you can chat to other MXit users on their mobiles and PCs, anywhere in the world, for FREE.

It enables you to send and receive text messages to and from mobile phones and PCs via the Internet using GPRS or 3G, rather than by using standard SMS technology. So each time you chat you are allowed up to 1000 characters at a fraction of the cost of an SMS! MXit enables you to exchange messages with other users or most other online chat communities - anywhere, anytime!

Communication has never been easier.

In addition to basic chat services, MXit offers loads of other ways to express yourself on your mobile phone. Meet people, play games, customize your phone. The fun starts at Tradepost - a contact that was automatically added to your contact list when you registered with MXit. Send a blank message to Tradepost to see what's on offer.

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Shazam for Blackberry Phones 2.5.2

With Shazam for blackberry phones you can:

Identify playing music by tagging a track
See a history of all the music you have tagged
See the details of the tag, including the following info:
Artist, track title, track subtitle, label (record company), album, music genre and date tagged
Access related content on other services. You can:
Search for and buy CDs and related products

Compatible with the Bold 9000, 9700, Curve 83XX, Curve 85XX, 8900, Pearl 82XX, 81XX, World Edition 88XX and Storm 95XX.

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MySpace for BlackBerry Phones 2.0

With the MySpace 2.0 app you can send messages, update mood and status, view or send bulletins, and post photos.The latest features include enhanced messaging, blogging on the go and customizable status and mood updates.

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Foliant – Library-Reader for Mobile Phones

Foliant is a library-reader for mobile phones with support for Java. Its main function is to organize your collection of books and comfortable reading.

  • support TXT format and FB2
  • full-fledged library, grouping of authors, genres and other parameters
  • search and download books from the Internet
  • Work with ZIP archives as folders with the support GZip archives
  • user-friendly menu with support for kinetic scrolling
  • Support for all major encodings WIN-1251, ISO-8859-5, UTF-8, KOI8R, DOS
  • portrait / landshftnogo regimes
  • three modes of paging book: kinetic scrolling, page-stroke paging, page-paging in zones
  • hyphenation of words (supports English and Russian rules of transfer)
  • detailed setting of text formatting
  • Support profile settings
  • Backlight Control (only Nokia)
  • Russian, English and Ukrainian localization
  • Download
  • Foliant 0.6.0
Source :
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SportReports – Stream Radio Client For Mobile Phones

SportReports Player allows you to:

Listen to broadcast anywhere in the world on the Internet tariffs of the local operator
Listen to broadcast mode, automatic handsfree
Create playlists
Choose playback speed (bit rate) – the number of bits transmitted per second, 16 or 8 kbit / sec (16 kbit / s – loaded automatically)
Receive incoming calls and SMS. When an incoming call or SMS – audio transmission is interrupted
Choose the menu language (Russian, English).

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Nobex Radio Companion For Blackberry

With Nobex Radio Companion you can listen to over 5200 radio stations from more than 80 countries around the world!.Choose from AM, FM and Internet stations. Genres include NPR, Sports, Christian, Talk, and of course, music.

Playlist information is available for over 2700 of these stations. You can see what is currently playing on the radio and scroll back and look at previously played songs too.

You can also see the lyrics of your favorite songs and get them to scroll synchronized with the song and you can learn more about the artist and get song info too.

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From the browser on your BlackBerry go to:
READ MORE - Nobex Radio Companion For Blackberry

IM+ 4.3.0 – Instant Messaging client for your mobile phone

IM+ is all-in-one mobile IM client that enable you to send instant text to AIM/iChat, MSN/Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo!, ICQ, Jabber, Google Talk and MySpace directly from your mobile.


Communicate with all your friends in a single buddylist.
Exchange messages in any language installed on a phone.
Change user interface with different graphical themes.
Set your own status to give your contacts an idea of your mood.
Manage your contacts.
Chat in portrait and landscape modes.
IM+ 4.3.0

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eOffice – Turn your BlackBerry into a Mobile Office

eOffice is a blackberry app that allows you to view, edit, and create Microsoft Word and Excel files on your BlackBerry.Using eOffice, you can send and receive documents and spreadsheets by email as attachments.eOffice also allows you to send, receive, and view PDF files*.With support Microsoft Office file formats: DOC, XLS, Excel (.xlsx), PowerPoint (.ppt), plus PDF, faxes and images.

eOffice comes with an unlimited, subscription free online storage where you can store Office files and access them on your BlackBerry.

Now compatible with the BlackBerry 5.0 operating system, providing the best viewing experience available on your Bold and Tour devices.

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