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Health insurance quotes explained

There's a strange contradiction about insurance. It's an annoying burden every month when the time to pay the premium comes around but, if the worst should happen, it's a wonderful thing to have had that insurance policy in place. With the family budgets really tight as the recession shows little sign of going away, the monthly bank statement shows the insurance instalments disappearing. You look at your own health. That's great. You have never had a day of serious illness in your life. It's the same for your partner. You cannot avoid feeling a little resentful. All those dollars, every month. And then there's an accident or one of you does unexpectedly fall ill. It's then you discover whether that plan you have been paying into is actually worth the money.
The market for health plans is divided in a slightly complicated way. It's really to ensure the insurance companies make a profit as the cost of treatment keeps on rising way faster than inflation. So it reflects a balancing act between allowing the patients some say, and denying them any real control, over access to treatment. The plan most popular with the insurance industry is Managed Care. This requires you to get the insurer's permission before you attempt to access treatment. The first contact doctor must be from an approved list, and he or she must refer you on for further diagnostic tests or treatment. Failure to get this referral usually means the insurer will refuse to pay. The second option is a Fee For Service Plan where you pay a lump sum at the beginning of each year, followed by monthly instalments. This covers you for the medical services listed in your policy. Basic plans only cover consults with your doctor and a simple set of tests. More expensive plans have a better range of coverage but there are usually co-payments.
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) are networks of healthcare professions. If you stay within the network, your medical needs are covered although, in most plans, co-payments will be required. The next step up is a Point of Service Plan (POS). This is a variation on the HMO and allows a networked doctor to refer you to an outside expert. Finally, there are Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) which offer more choice than an HMO or POS both in the doctors you can access and the treatments you can have, e.g. usually include preventative medicine.
Because the service offered by this site is free, you can get as many health insurance quotes as you like for each of the main types of plan. This gives you more information on which to make your decision. But it's fair to say the decision is not an easy one unless you read the detail of each plan with some care. With all the health insurance quotes available, you are often forced to balance coverage against cost, i.e. you buy the amount of coverage you can afford. This makes the choices something of a gamble. Do you pick emergency care in the event of an accident or focus on a list of the most common diseases or disorders? Do you include long-term care against the possibility you might be more permanently disabled by whatever happens? There is no right or wrong answer to these questions. In the end, it all comes down to what you can afford and what helps you to sleep best at night.
READ MORE - Health insurance quotes explained

Always get multiple car insurance quotes

The insurance companies will always reward you for driving less. If you rarely put wheels on the road, the chances of a claim are small and all your premium will be "profit to the insurer. So how does this work? In theory, it could not be more simple. The insurance company looks at who you are, when you drive and where you drive in deciding how much of a risk you represent. If you live 50 miles from your work and have a daily commute along a busy Interstate, the chances of an accident are high. But if you live on a bus route to work and only use your vehicle for odd journeys at off-peak times, the chances of an accident are small. When you answer the questionnaire, you will see questions covering these possibilities. Remember, if you get caught out in dishonest answers, the insurer will cancel your policy and leave you without any coverage.
The first question is where you live. Although some states like California have outlawed setting rates according to your zip code, the majority of companies focus on your home address. If there's a high accident or theft rate among people living in your area, you will all pay a higher premium. The only choice, if you can afford it, is to live some place where the crime and accidents rates are lower. You look for the middle ground between the worst inner city crime hot spot and a house on the prairie where you never see another vehicle from one day's end to the next. All the discounts favor drivers who only drive off-peak during the day, and restrict their annual mileage. No more late night and early morning driving when the majority of other drivers may be tired or affected by alcohol and/or drugs. This raises the question of monitoring. It's easy to answer the questionnaire and claim the maximum discounts. But the trend among insurers is to ask people to drop their vehicle in for a regular inspection of the recorded mileage. The maximum discounts are given to the drivers who agree to devices being installed which collect all the data on driving and transmit it to the insurers. These devices have a GPS element that records where you drive, the time and, in some cases, some measurement of the quality of your driving, e.g. how often you brake. The reward for accepting this invasion of your privacy can be discounts of up to 25% on top of the usual discounts. Obviously, it's not a good idea to use your own vehicle to rob a bank since the insurance company will know you were there.
This set of discounts is somewhat frustrating. In the larger cities with well-developed public transport, it's usually not too much trouble to get where you want on time without using your own vehicle. Assuming your vehicle is safely in a garage to reduce the risk of theft, you should break even or better, i.e. what you save on the insurance pays for your use of buses and trains. But the most of the US has poor public transport, so there's little choice. Remember the car insurance quotes are not the final word. Call the company, explain your circumstances and discuss how you might qualify for discounts. In discussion, you often discover options not included in the website. So, treat the car insurance quotes as the opening offer and start negotiating. Investing a little time often saves you money.
READ MORE - Always get multiple car insurance quotes

Auto insurance quotes for green vehicles

Owning a green vehicle automatically makes it viable for you to have green car insurance as well. Because all cars are legally required to carry the minimum amount of insurance coverage imposed by each state individually, green cars also need to carry these types of coverage regardless of what their emission levels are. However, with green car insurance it goes a bit beyond the typical coverage against certain types of damage. The environment is getting worse and the need in green vehicles is constantly rising, so does the need in green car insurance. When you purchase green car insurance policy a part of the money you pay as a premium is transferred to certain funds that are aimed at minimizing the effects of bad environment and global warming. You can't say that about typical insurance coverage for non-environmental vehicles, can you?
The number of people who are buying green vehicles these days is constantly rising, regardless of the fact that green cars are still too expensive in comparison with traditional vehicles. With such trends, more insurance providers offer green auto insurance solutions as the market of green vehicles is constantly expanding. However, in order to stimulate the purchase of green vehicles, insurance providers offer lower rates on green cars than on typical autos. It seems that even big insurance companies are recognizing the importance of stimulating green car sales and their initiatives can be regarded as a support of this trend. For some, it's cheaper to buy an expensive green car and pay lower premiums than buy an old cheap auto and pay thousands of dollars each year.
Still, when green car insurance was only introduced and the number of green cars was low the auto insurance quotes green drivers had to deal with were much higher than today. But as the time passed and more green cars started roaming the roads the rates went down and they are still dropping gradually. Today, there are about 40,000 green cars on the road and the number is increasing yearly. More and more people are realizing the fact that the carbon footprint has to be reduced and green cars are an effective solution to the problem.
There are numerous benefits of having a green car. Not only do you get lower auto insurance rates, you also help the environment and save some money on the gas. Of course, it's not a big deal when comparing a single car to all the vehicles and plants that are fueling the global warming process. However, when people start acting individually over time the trend brings positive changes. The same applies to green vehicles.
Today there are only a few companies offering auto insurance quotes for green vehicles, however the numbers are steadily growing. Only a few years ago there wasn't a single company providing green auto insurance but today there are already several big companies that either specialize in this new market or provide additional insurance services in addition to the traditional car insurance coverage. Today, having a green vehicle can still be regarded as a bit extravagant, but the same was the situation when the very first automobiles started roaming the streets filled with horses. The progress doesn't stop here.
READ MORE - Auto insurance quotes for green vehicles

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